Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"Hugo, my poet and fool,
tell me what message you spy,
you've sat long enough on that stool
beneath the tower so high."

"Then my lord I tell you of hair,
it falls from high up above."

"Is it hair then, or her, that your stare
has caught like a hawk caught a dove."

"A fool I assuredly am,
but cannot be fooled by my eyes,
it's her as surely it's ham,
this stuff that falls from the skies."

"Well shout to the top of the tower,
we search for a Hero, by name,"

"I hate to cause such a row, sir,
is it for hero, or Hero, or Hiro, we came?"

"My fool, do not fool with phonetics,
they sound all identical, spoken,
(oh look, a book on genetics,)
now, smooth out your communiqué, broken."

"A hero 'tis valiant and brave
who rescues princesses and pets.
Hero hid in a tower-like cave
whom with Leander did have her some sex.
And Hiro is a time traveling fellow,
from Heroes a show that runs on TV,
he's asian and therefore quite yellow,
go watch it on tonight's NBC."

"Desist with this nonsense you yammering poet,
you know which is the one that I seek,
if you've skill then this is the moment to show it,
raise your voice and to the tower now speak."

"I would, lord, but now I hear from the top
the name Tadzio coming right down."

"That sounds like a name to be said by a mop,
but what could it mean and how?"

"Wikipedia, not I, lord, would know,
perhaps you should ask there."

"Encyclo-democrato, what can you show,
the mystery I cannot today bear."

"Tis I wikipedia! for whom many are smitten,
I base this entry on a book that was written,
and after brief deliberation my study's completed,
Tadzio represents perverse sexual obsession, citation needed."

"What a strange conclusion
to draw from that name."

"That digital book's in delusion,
I do not conclude the same.
But, oh! how to continue
when petals and leaves tumble down!"

"My poet, is this the right venue?
Am I overdressed in my gown?"

"My lord, I know not,
if this tower be right,
I threw in with your lot
because I was drunk that one night."

"Perhaps this place is for us
perhaps it is not."

"Perhaps we should just,
slow down or stop.
Whatever you yearn,
enough for now."

"Poet and fool, I concur,
whatever the case, enough for now."

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